Sunday, December 12, 2010

Its been a while....

I can't wait for Christmas break! School has been so stressful especially when you add auditions on to it. Finals are Thursday and Friday and auditions are tomorrow and Tuesday. Nervous! Though I have less stress than most of my classmates. They are all still worrying about college applications. My one application is totally finished and sent in. That takes off a lot of stress :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Most Stress filled week in the history of school and theatre! How did I not break down???

So this past week was hell-week for the play I'm performing in, "The Madwoman of Challiot". We were getting prepared every night til nearly 9. When we opened on Thursday it was 10:30 by the time I got home. Here comes the good stuff though: If you were picking the weekends to open and perform a play, wouldn't you love to say you wouldn't pick the end of the quarter? Well our director did. Friday ended our first quarter, leaving me to catch up on 4 chapters of AP Bio (vocab,packets, and quizzes!!!), write an Honors 3-5 page paper for government, make-up a Pre-calc test, and so much more. All the while, grandma came to visit the Saturday before last and left thursday and my mom went into the hospital...Can you see where I would be a little stressed? and from that stress I got sick as well...Lovely isn't it???? Anyway, until this morning, I really didn't realize that this had all been one week. It felt a lot more like 2 at least! Thanks for reading about my stressful week!

Monday, July 12, 2010


Yay! Denver is in 3 days and I am so excited! This year it is all girls that are going on the trip with 3 sets of sisters with a total of 14 of us including the chaperons. This should be a very interesting trip this year. (Sabrina +Redbull+Me+ Post-its+ 8 hours of driving= Insane!) Having my sister along this year will be especially interesting :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

New website researching the archangels

I have recently (meaning today) opened an account on Weebly and have a website called The Archangels dedicated to my research of the Archangels which have recently become for lack of a better term.... an obsession. If you would like the link here it is ( )but I really have nothing up yet so dont expect anything for a couple days. Anyway the reason I have created this website is because I would like to share my research with everyone and anyone I can. I would like to find out more about something we really dont hear about as much as everything else.
Thanks for reading!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A week of Theatre Workshop

Theatre workshop all this week has been so awesome! Ive been having so much fun but it has been making me so tired. I come home and crash! But I have learned so much in such a short time already its so cool.

I wish i could be more insightful or write some more with/on this stuff but i really dont know how to or anything thing...any tips?

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I forgot to say something in my last post.....I'M FINALLY A SENIOR!!!! Can you tell I'm excited!?

New hair cut and Theatre workshop next week!

I got a really cut hair cut today and I love it! Now i dont have such thick hair which will be nice for the summer.
Next week I start a Theatre Workshop with my Drama teacher Ms. Jenn Perry at my school. At the workshop they will help us work on our acting, singing, and dancing based on our level now. I wasnt going to be able to go because we couldnt afford to do this too...BUT my teacher is super awesome and is putting me on scholarship for it so I can go! She is so awesome and she told me "Never let money get in the way of what you want to do! If you cant afford something, always ask about getting help to pay for it!" She is so cool and I cant wait for the workshop! We perform at the end of June with a bunch of different Broadway songs and stuff which will be cool.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Well Prom has Come and gone...sad...

Well Prom was last night and it was very lovely after having set up all week. Here are some of the pictures of the decorations and things.

This was an awesome painting that Vinson did for us for the dance because the dance theme was Starry Night. It's so good we are hanging it up permanently in the Fine Arts Building. 

This was the entry way which was a big iron gate that we put lights all over. 

We draped tule and lights to do this and centered it all around the dance floor and we hung up tons of stars.

Friday, April 9, 2010


In 3 weeks more or less we start our AP testing. AP Statistics and AP US History for me. I have my practice exam for APUSH this Sunday and sssssoooooo do not think I am ready for it. AP Statistics practice is next Saturday. Memorizing the history of the US and more, plus memorizing formula and theory after formula and theory. When will it end? In 3 weeks of course but during which time i will be riping my hair out studying policy and formula. Sometimes I truly wonder why I took the classes. I love APUSH so much, I love history! But I dread this test! Stats is not my thing AT ALL! I'm more of an Algebra person, I comprehend it better and cooperates with my mind a little more. Stats just goes right over my head. I'm more of a strategy and 'I want to figure this out' or 'find how this works' kind of a person.
So for the next 3 weeks it will be studying, studying and more STUDYING!!! And knowing myself it won't happen due to the fact that I think I have some form of A.D.D. I will just have to push myself beyond my limits so if I seem a little on edge the next couple of weeks, that would be why. But I will try my best not to take it out on anyone if I'm super frustrated.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fun in the Sun...or not!

I went swimming with my best friend today at the Layton Surf and Swim. Hanging out with my best friend all day is one of the things I like to do. Good 'clean' fun. Haha no pun intended. Really I didn't but its funny anyway. Surf and Swim has a bubble over the top of it so you can swim during the winter. In my opinion, the bubble should be clear or something because when I go swimming its normally outside and I like to be able to see the sky. Well whatever. Afterward we went to Taco Bell and got the 5 Layer Burrito. We went to her house and played a game of Phase 10. I almost beat her which is awesome for my first time playing the game. It was fun and I hope we can do it again!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Designs for the Denver Shirt

My dad had an idea to change the design around on the front a little and change the color. I think it looks pretty cool!
Retrieve denver3 Now
Retrieve denver4 Now

T-Shirt Design for Denver Steubenville of the Rockies Trip in July


If you cant tell what the quote says its "The Word became Flesh" JN 1:14 which is the theme this year.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Starting Monday we have our spirit week/homecoming week. Monday we get to dress up like anyone from the wizard of oz or the wiz (an adaption of the wizard of oz). Its the scarecrow for me! I have an awesome home-made custom I'm making. (home-made are the best) Tuesday is wacky tourist day. Suspenders, socks and sandals, shorts, and button down Hawaiian shirts. Wednesday is our class choice to try and beat the other 3 classes. Our theme is Charlie/Willie Wonka. I'm going to be the chocolate bar with the golden ticket. Thursday is Heritage Day. No idea what I'm going to do for that. But I have time to figure that one out. Friday is Green and Gold day. Just like it sounds.
Well I am super excited. I can't wait.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Steubenville of the Rockies

I can't believe how many people want to go to Denver this year! We have a maybe list of almost 30 people now and a definitely list of almost 15! Now thats what i call God working through His people! If you know of anyone else who would like to go let me know so I can get them on the list!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Can you say filibuster? This is the text my dad got after I found out that Scott Brown had won. After how many years without a republican and the year we get a supposedly "strongly" elected democrat (not according to his ratings!) we get a republican in the Senate Seat not head by a republican for years. Wow. America, make up your mind! Either you agree with one side or the other you can't be both! Of course you could make your own political party and just state you believe in. I say we as Catholics make our own political party. Make it easier.

Virtual March For Life

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

One Word Comment!

Leave a ONE word comment that you think best describes me. It can only be one word. No more than one. Then copy & paste this on your blog so I can leave a word about you. This should be interesting...