Sunday, May 2, 2010

Well Prom has Come and gone...sad...

Well Prom was last night and it was very lovely after having set up all week. Here are some of the pictures of the decorations and things.

This was an awesome painting that Vinson did for us for the dance because the dance theme was Starry Night. It's so good we are hanging it up permanently in the Fine Arts Building. 

This was the entry way which was a big iron gate that we put lights all over. 

We draped tule and lights to do this and centered it all around the dance floor and we hung up tons of stars.


  1. Hello, I belong to an organization that is focused on Catholic teaching. Please take a moment and visit our website at we are bringing the REAL MEN back! We also have an awesome video one of our members made during last months (April 2010) Chastity retreat. Check it out at
    God Bless

  2. That looks so cool! It must have been SO much fun. Lucky you! :D

  3. Oh, nice job on your blog Andrea!

  4. I did Anna thanks! and thank you Tara!
